Workshop on economic history and development
Central European University (CEU), Budapest, 9-10 January 2015
Keynote speakers:
Şevket Pamuk (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul),
Nikolaus Wolf (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Local Organizers:
Balint Menyhert, Paweł Bukowski, Rita Pető,Attila Gáspár
WEast Organizers:
Tamás Vonyó, Mikołaj Malinowski, Jacob Weisdorf
Deadline: October 15th , 2014
The keys to understanding current economic and social development are often found in the past. This is particularly true of Central and Eastern Europe, where the confluence of different people, cultures, ideologies and nation states has exerted an immense influence on economic development for centuries. Despite its tumultuous history, Central and Eastern Europe has not garnered sufficient attention by researchers of the economic sciences. The WEast initiative was started in 2013 with the aim of putting it at the forefront of scholarship in economic history. By bringing scholars of different backgrounds together, WEast intends to facilitate the exchange of ideas and advertise the wealth of unique historical data in the region.
The WEast workshop in Budapest wishes to promote these goals by targeting a wide audience of economic historians and development economists. Organizers from the Economics Department of the Central European University invite both established researchers and graduate students to submit their scientific work considering relevant aspects of the region’s historical development. We particularly welcome submissions that study general economic issues still relevant today or deal with less widely known aspects of Central and Eastern Europe’s development.
Those wishing to participate should send their research paper and/or extended abstract along with short academic CV by email to Paweł Bukowski ( no later than October 15th, 2014. Selected participants will be informed soon afterwards. All costs related to participation, hotel accommodation and catering during the workshop will be fully covered for presenters. Travelling expenses will have to be borne by the participants themselves. Further details about exact arrangements will be communicated to selected participants and also made available here.
The Central European University follows the best Anglo-Saxon tradition of higher education but at the same time cherishes its historical heritage by actively promoting the concept of open and democratic societies. The Economics Department is a leading and dynamic center of international economic research in the region.