WEast is organizing two sessions during the ESSHC 2014 in Vienna that relate to the history of the economic development of Eastern Europe. All people interested in the topic are welcome to participate.

E-9 - ECO09: Economic Development in the Age of Nation Building: New Perspectives on the Economic History of Central and South-Eastern Europe in the Late 19th and early 20 Centuries
Hörsaal 34 raised ground floor
Network: Economic HistoryChair: Alexander Klein
Organiser: Tamas VonyoDiscussant: Alexander Klein

G-10 - ECO04: Rent Seeking Institutions and the Little Divergence: The Economic Impact of Serfdom and Guilds in Pre-industrial Europe
Hörsaal 23 first floor
Network: Economic HistoryChair: Jan Luiten van Zanden
Organiser: Mikolaj MalinowskiDiscussants: Tracy Dennison, Jan Luiten van Zanden