Call for Papers (closed)
Keynote Speakers: Stephen Broadberry (LSE), Branko Milanović (World Bank)
Local Organizers: Hasan Hanić, Stefan Nikolić, Matthias Morys
WEast Organizers: Mikołaj Malinowski, Jacob Weisdorf
Recently regional studies in economic and social history have gained significant momentum. Eastern Europe is joining this rising tide in international cooperation. The WEast workshop provides a friendly and professional environment for researchers working on the economic history of the region looking to share their findings and gain specialist feedback from their peers. The prime objective of the workshop is to facilitate the interaction between the scholars from the ‘East’ and the ‘West’, as well as, exchange knowledge of the available sources and the state-of-the art methodologies.
The purpose of this year’s WEast workshop in Belgrade is on explaining Eastern European growth patterns in their socio-economic context. We welcome proposals dealing with these and closely-related topics written both from the perspective of a historian or an economist. Accepted papers will receive 45 minutes each (20 minutes for presentation and 25 for discussion).
The participation fee is 70€. Persons without a conference budget for whom this represents a hurdle to participation please send an email to Stefan Nikolic ( The fee covers the costs related to the keynotes, refreshments and snacks during the workshop and a dinner. Travel and accommodation are the participants’ own responsibility, however, we offer help with organising your stay in Belgrade. The payment instructions will be distributed among the accepted orators. The workshop is free of charge for everyone who is not a speaker.
Prospective speakers should submit a one-page abstract and a short CV to Stefan Nikolic ( no later than January 31st, 2014. The organisers encourage applications with prospective working papers. Notification of acceptance will be given by the end of February, 2014. The deadline for submitting your working papers is June 23rd, 2014.
For more information about the ‘WEast’ or Eastern European Economic History Hub see: